Billesley Primary - Birmingham
Year Groups : Year 4
Students : 57
Teachers : 2 (G.Zielinska, A.Lynch )
Writers : Amerah Saleh and Parm Kaur
Support : Janette Bushell
Arts Award : 41 Discover Arts Awards
Live Together in Peace
No one should be violent!
One person’s anger
is like a red chilli pepper exploding!
Never bully anyone!
Violence is like a hot, raging fire out of control!
Let everybody live together in peace!
A man who stood against violence,
but lost his life! Mohandas Gandhi!
Now that the world weeps and we know
that violence is bad!
Carry on his work with peaceful protest!
Everybody will find happiness!
Year 4 student Milly-May Richards
What the teachers said ....
"We were thrilled to be part of this project with sampad as bring writer into the school makes such a difference to the children writing and understanding of poetry and poets ... living poets!."
" The curriculum topic links supported lots of our other work and we did sessions before the writers came in showing the presentation provided about the life of Gandhi and his approach to non-violence. Looking concepts of equality and discrimination are important and our students are used to discussing these themes. The project brought these themes to their own lives."
Year 4 teacher G. Zeilinska
Arts Award
The students created some fabulous booklets made from their notes, drafts and the prepared templates. The project has 4 sessions (3 with writers and 1 Arts Award support to complete) and the school has now got several teachers trained to deliver Arts Award in the future.
"To have our students poems published makes us so proud. Our senior management team all came into class to hear them perform ...
we were so impressed !"
J.Clifton - Billesley Headteacher
What the students said ....
"We learnt about Gandhi and how he helped the poor people and how he helped people with no violence. he wanted to change things and we can change things to."
"My poem was about fighting cancer and also to stop bullying. I enjoyed being with Parm and Amerah [the poets] ...they made us be poets and write our best poems."
"I enjoyed most doing the games with our voices and finding out about Amerah and the famous people she has met. She has written hundreds of poems and we wrote our poems and I liked that everyone listened to our poems."